08 January 2005

A Day in the Life...

Well, here I am again. Back in the same spot I was last week at this time. Oh, it's about 2 PM on a Saturday, and I've been awake for what, a half an hour now? This could signify a big Friday night that I'm recovering from...or just my regular schedule. These days I don't have any reason to wake up before 1 or so, so it's all good.

I'm an unemployed Democrat. That's right people, a Democrat. It's okay to admit it. I'm a LIBERAL. It's not a bad word. It's just the crazy right-wing that's taught you to think that it is.

But this blog isn't really going to be focused on politics so much as the life of an unemployed hopeful politician.

I'd like to use this site as a forum for all of us unemployed Democrats. But also, for the employed Democrats, here's an idea of what your missing by actually having to go to work.

My Thursday schedule:

10:30 AM: Wake up. Damn, this is the earliest I've been up since I've stopped temping a week or two ago.
10:35 AM: Turn on the TV, remember that the AG hearings are today, and begin to watch Alberto Gonzales impugn and perjure himself repeatedly.
11:30 AM: Wish that I was working for Kennedy, Byrd, or my home-state Senator, Schumer.
12 PM: Doze off.
12:30 PM: Remember that I haven't eaten in 20 hours, prepare a bowl of Cocoa Pebbles.
1 PM: Catch some debate on the objection by Tubbs and Boxer of the Ohio certification.
(Just a thought here: Shouldn't California have some more attractive female politicians? Yea, maybe a bit sexist, but Boxer and Pelosi aren't California girls.)
3PM: Head to my local library. This is where my day really gets going, as I'm actually leaving my house.
3:15 PM: Use the high-speed connection in the library. When dial-up at home just won't do.
4:30 PM: Catch the end of the Gonzales hearing and all the excited talking heads on the news channels. (Another thought - while I'm happy to bid adieu to Tucker Carlson on crossfire, who are they replacing him with?)
8PM: Eat lunch.
10PM: "Go out"

As a primer for those not from Yorktown Heights, New York (or anyone else not from a suburb more than a half hour or forty-five minutes, ie a relatively long drive, from a major city), going out around here consists of going to another friend's house and sitting around complaining of a lack of things to do, going to a shitty bar and seeing the people from high school who are here working in town year-round (God, do I hate them), or in our case, videotaping ourselves looking like asses. We've developed a good system for this through the years. It began with us just pulling out a videotape and acting childish. Now, however, with a bit more experience under our belt, we videotape events, music videos, scenes from movies, scavenger hunts (more on these later, as they probably are a highlight for all of Yorktown) or any other dumb Jackass-like shit that comes into our minds.
I don't really recall what the fuck we did this particular night, and it really doesn't matter - they all run into each other.

Anyway, this just gives a good example of the shit going on around here.

My days since mid December when I got back from the campaign and the subsequent road trip with campaign friends and week-long trip to DC to see school friends have consisted of temping, watching football on the weekend, and now preparing to go to Las Vegas. Yup that's right, I decided what way to better spend the few remaining dollars I have then a trip to Vegas with my friends from home to celebrate one of our birthdays by blowing every last dollar on booze, strippers, NFL playoff gambling and Texas Hold 'Em. In an attempt to retain some of my dollars, I've even taken up PartyPoker.com, with the few minutes of spare time I have. I'll tell you what, playing with play money on PartyPoker, I really feel like I can compete out there. But somehow I think that's a bad idea.


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