17 May 2005


Sorry for the lack of recent posts, but I had a busy weekend, and was in Atlantic City for work yesterday (tough, I know) - did get to gamble a bit, and lost at the Hold Em tables...dammit. Coworker was losing too, and as we were leaving I prodded him to play Roulette with his remaining funds. He bet on black three times in a row, ended up being up a fair amount...of course that's my luck. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride.

Anyway, this should be an interesting week. We've got more social security privatization hearings, an impending "showdown" over the nuclear option, and a fair amount of other things going on (Yankees haven't lost a game since I was at the A's-Yankees game Saturday before this one, the Nationals are on a three-game streak, the NBA playoffs are finally getting to some meaningful game 5's, the OC season finale (damn straight I watch the OC...the hot female index is off the charts)).

Back later (maybe) with some news.


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1:29 PM  

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