10 May 2005

Fantasy and reality

In reference to my posting about the ridiculous Texas cheerleading law passed last week (which made it into the Daily Show as one of their feature segments last night), someone wrote this. It makes me happy that someone would post a comment like this on my blog:

SteveBP said...

Are these Texas Nazis up to it again? These cheerleaders are just being progressive. Fifty years ago women were oppressed, and they led cheers wearing skirts that barely showed their calves. Now they're allowed (finally) to show breasts and have to get a bikini wax before each game. I feel especially bad for the transgendered persons who have to do a bit more waxing. I sure hope I'm around in the year 2050. The tickets to the high school football games may get to be $500, but I bet by then I'll be able to see a wide receiver take one up the middle - and I'm not talking about the football players. That's what I call progress. I just hope one of my great grand daughters will make the team (wink wink, nod nod.)
12:37 AM

Haha. He says they show their breasts and have to get bikini waxes before each game, and talks about transgendered persons having to get more waxing. I enjoy people like this, who make such absurd points that you can do nothing but laugh at them. They couldn't care less about the state of their child's school, fuck that, but instead are concerned with how much leg the cheerleaders show. Steve, why don't you tell me what about these cheerleaders acts is so 'sexually explicit' that we should legislate the vague concept of cheerleading? Steve, why don't you tell me how many transgendered cheerleaders have to shave? Steve, why don't you tell me what business our government has doing in this, and ignoring other, legitimate problems, such as the state of the school, funding the unfunded mandates of NCLB, and paying attention to health care? Why are you so concerned with the cheers of high school girls, but unconcerned with the education they receive? Holy Crusaders like yourself fail to see your own hipocrysy. You believe in limited government, but only if it's small enough to fit into your bedroom. You want judges that are not activists, but you fail to see that you conservatives have appointed most of the current federal judges (and the majority of SCOTUS judges) to the bench. You want up-or-down votes and a removal of the filibuster, but fail to remember the hundreds of times you've held up approvals during the past hundred years through filibuster or committee moves.

And to end it, you makes sure I realize your sarcasm, with a "(wink wink, nod nod.)" You are holier than I, SteveBP. Your holiness blinds me.

Ahhhh, SteveBP. The world really is passing you by, my friend. I bet you remember what it was like to get into a movie theater, buy a hot dog, and get on the bus back home, all for a quarter, and have money left over to buy a stick of gum. Those sure were the days, when women didn't have suffrage, blacks were segregated. The world was right.


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