More NYC Mayor stuff...sue me, I'm a New Yorker
This is troubling.
Mayor Bloomberg got a big boost yesterday from across party lines: Sen. Chuck Schumer.
New York's senior senator, a Democrat, defended Bloomberg's record fighting for the city's fair share of federal dollars - undercutting a central campaign theme among the Democrats seeking to boot Bloomberg, a Republican, from City Hall.
I understand that Schumer and Bloomy have to work together, and that Schumer has some pretty strong ties to the Mayor:
Schumer's wife, Iris Weinshall, is Bloomberg's transportation commissioner, and Schumer's former spokesman, Stu Loeser, is now Bloomberg's campaign spokesman.
But this isn't helping. Bloomberg continues to campaign for national Republicans, and unless the man denounces his party and becomes a Democrat, we can't have national Democrats, even if they are friendly with the man, supporting Republican campaigns. Schumer, of everyone should know this, as he is the DSCC cahir, the main man responsible for raising money for Democratic candidates. And with Schumer's protege, Anthony Weiner, in the race, I simply can't understand the support he's giving to Bloomberg. To be sure, this falls well short of an endorsement, but not far enough for my liking.
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