02 May 2005

Drop Dead Freddy

Freddy Ferrer is floundering

From the New York Daily News -

Mayor Bloomberg is a "patsy for the Republican Party," embattled Democratic mayoral candidate Fernando Ferrer charged in a TV interview that aired yesterday.

With his poll numbers falling 20 points in a hypothetical general election matchup with Bloomberg, Ferrer went on the attack, accusing the mayor of failing to get the city's fair share of federal dollars.

"Mike Bloomberg has given personally generously to Republican candidates and to the Republican national party and state party - so far, it has produced that much for New York City," said Ferrer, indicating zero with his fingers, during an interview on WABC-TV.

Now I don't particularly disagree with this assessment, but Ferrer is clearly in some shit. After his fallout from claiming that the Louima case wasn't a crime, Ferrer is falling. This is going to increase the vis and viability of the other Dem primary challengers, especially Anthony Weiner, whom I've previously posted on.


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