Nuclear option blown up
Well, a big FUCK YOU can be seen floating across the desk of James Dobson, Jerry Fallwell, and other religious right leaders last night and this morning. The moderates in the Senate apparently won out, as I had an inkling would happen. I didn't expect fourteen senators to sign on, thought it would be less, as I didn't realize that John Warner, that maverick from Virginia, and Robert Byrd, the crazy old cowboy from West Virginia, would sign on to stop the showdown from happening today on the floor.
Is it a good thing though? I'm not entirely sure. Ask me whether I'm happy that Owen and the other two judges are going to be confirmed, and I'll tell you definitely not. Ask me whether I'm happy Saad and Meyer are likely to be bottled up, and I'll tell you yes. However, the result of this remains to be seen. The majority reserves the right to 'pull the trigger' at any point they think the minority is being too loose with their use of the filibuster, while the minority makes no guarantee of endorsing any nominees. So basically we have an agreement where none of those signatories are exceedingly victorious nor have they lost that much. The Senate work continues (HA), and as Lindsey Graham, a man I have increasingly gained respect for (aside from McCain probably one of the only Republicans I can say that for) said, the Senate can now get back to the work of the American people. As much as I wanted to see Frist go down even harder (he's down, mark my words. The man will now receive no support from the Dobsons of the country, as he couldn't herd his party behind the religious right's agenda.), I am happy that we didn't lose more. Reid is touting this as a victory for us, and I'm not so sure he's wrong. He says the nuclear option is off the table, and that is the most important part. We reserve the right to filibuster a Supreme Court nomination, and as everyone realizes, that's what this is all about. Rehnquist will retire this summer, and I, for one, do not want to see another fucking Scalia on the court.
Once again, going back to another idea I and many people have written on: many of these so-called "activist judges" that Frist, conservative Republicans, and the demagogic Falwells and Dobsons of the world talk about have been appointed by REPUBLICAN presidents and confirmed by REPUBLICAN led Congresses. The conservative majority cannot function in power. They overreach their bounds, continue to grab undue power and influence, and cannot work for the good of the party. If the senators and reps worked half as hard towards the same goals as their party's interest groups did in electing them, I'd be a bit more worried. This is not to say that we Dems are any better. We are the kings of not working together. But when you own DC like the Republicans do right now, and you can't get things done, it's time to take a look at your leadership. Everyone's known Frist is a useless tool of the religious right, and now it's being made abundantly clear. Everyone knew DeLay was a piece of garbage criminal, and his increasing ethics issues and lack of support at home (he only won this past election with 55% support) are going to build up. The Republican party oversteps its bounds time and again, on such basic issues as right to privacy (Schiavo, Patriot Act), taxes (tax cuts in deficit periods...brilliant voodoo economic theory), war (nuff said) and civil rights and liberties (gay marriage).
The emerging democratic majority, the sleeping giant, awaits its turn.
Bravo Mark,
It continually puzzles me how a) drug abusing, daddy's boy delinquents run our country and b) how said delinquent's party backs them in choices that continually plunge our society into a downward spiral of a backward thinking puritan mindset. We're not a progressive country. Europe is far more advanced in so many ways, culturally and socially than us. It is an abuse of power to step in on things such as Schiavo and gay marriage. People are people and are entitled to their rights. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...if a woman wants to marry a woman because it makes them happy, i think that's right there in the fundamental principles that founded this country.
It's just so great that Laura Bush goes over to Israel and gets jeered out by both Jews and Muslims, at least we can agree on something...
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