05 August 2005


Fuck...already breaking promises about the timeliness of my posts. I'm still not in the routine. But I did add one cool thing. On the left-hand side of the blog, under my profile/description, you'll see a photo-link to flickr, which I've recently created an account for. Go on in and check out my stuff, and comment on my pictures so I feel special. Do it.

02 August 2005


Okay, okay, I've heard the calls to action - "Mark, when are you going to start writing again?" "Mark, we miss your pervasive, inspiring, thought-provoking analysis" etc.

After 7 weeks of hard work (if you know me, we don't even have to make a joke of that), I am ready to start blogging again. Refreshed, renewed, re-inspired (highly unlikely), and interested in taking this silly thing in a different direction than before. I'd like to write on a frequent basis, but I'm tired about having no set topic(s) or style or theme to write on. Yes, politics/current events/anything I feel like is decent for the most part, but I'd like to become a bit more structured...and I haven't yet decided how to manage that one. So while I work on a topic sentence for what I want to write about, I'm going to post on random shit that I think about. Next up, at some point today (or tomorrow, if I get super busy....HA), I am going to attempt to identify a campaign theme for a Dem prez nominee (if only the election was 15 months away instead of like 40...)

Well, as a friend said, blogging is kinda in some weird way like working out (something else I've neglected to do for quite some time)...when you're not doing it, you just dont think about it, but once you get back into the swing of things, it's like you never left...hopefully I will worry about the exercise more than the blogging, but I need to exercise my mind a bit at work...for fuck's sake, it's the recess period anyway....August should be highly exciting.