12 September 2005

NYC Mayor reprised

So, months ago I posted a few items on the NYC mayoral primary and how I was rooting for Anthony Weiner to become the Dems' choice to face Bloomberg. Looks like he's doing much better:

After weeks pounding the pavement, hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of campaign ads and a couple of strong debate performances, he has marched steadily up in public opinion polls. A Marist survey released yesterday shows him with a 30 percent share of likely Democratic voters, a statistical tie with Fernando Ferrer, who has consistently led most polls, giving Mr. Weiner his highest numbers yet in any poll.

The problem is that no one actually has any idea what will happen tomorrow in the primary. Who will show up? How many of them? From where? How many lower-income folks, minorities, upper-class, etc... Much depends on the GOTV operation, the paid media this past weekend, and other factors...I'll be keeping my eye on it though.


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