06 December 2005


"Democracies are going to debate these things," she said. "But they need to debate them not just on one side of the issue - that is, how the actual activities are being carried out." They should also consider, "are we doing everything we can to protect innocent lives?"
-Condi Rice (quoted by the New York Times)

She says this at the cost of the rights of the people. Since when do natural inalienable rights stop at the border of the United States? What makes people outside our country less than us to the point we can destroy their god given privileges? We can take away one persons freedom, one that we try to impose our own ideals of freedom upon, to protect an “innocent” other’s free will. The only thing endangering the innocent’s liberty is that of a government willing to take away the rights and due process of one to “protect” another (particularly while obliterating international ally relations).

How many slippery slopes have we claimed to be destroying us? And this is the one we are all ready to fly down into a pile of shit, head first.

These people are locked away without trial, charged with speculative evidence, and kept without inspection for their safety. If these actions were performed by any other country, and that country had a substantial amount of oil, the United States would have invaded before the economy fell down the icy decline of American Business Corruption (ABC).