What made me start this thing up again, you might ask? Here's a great reason - A Bush Alarm.
I love that Bush is suddenly the global maverick of the government. His pushes for globalization in the past year are laughable at best, and easily an utter joke and insult to not only the international community he's snubbed his nose at, but more importantly, Americans.
To his critics, the internationalist approach is too little too late — the price Mr. Bush has paid for a foreign policy that seemed relentlessly focused on building defensive walls and hunting enemies. A search of the White House Web site confirms that Mr. Bush, who in the days before he took office kept the take-no-prisoners speeches of Teddy Roosevelt on a table at his ranch, made little mention of "globalization" for much of his first five years in office, even when European leaders brought it up.
Asked once, several years ago, about his aversion to the topic, one of his senior aides said Mr. Bush associated the word with "mushy Clintonianism."
This is the man who has refused to sign onto the International Criminal Court, refused to accept tighter standards on greenhouse gases, and worked at building ad-hoc coalitions in his self-created war on terror. This president now expects us to believe that we should be insulted for questioning his ports deal, a deal that would allow a country that previously allowed terrorists to roam, to manage US ports? Someone who's illegally spied on Americans? Fuck...!
"The administration has, now, to cope with failure," William F. Buckley Jr. wrote in February. "The kernel here is the acknowledgment of defeat."
Briefing reporters on Friday about Mr. Bush's coming speeches, a senior White House official, speaking anonymously because he was describing speeches still being drafted, said Mr. Bush would answer those criticisms and "explain why we and the Iraqis must finish the job together." A year ago, Mr. Bush's allies took such statements as a given. Today, that is no longer the case.
Can't wait.