28 March 2005

Chaos Theory

Well, at least I now know what Justice at Stake is. Seems decent. Position pretty good - basically a researcher/media person...could be interesting. Not entirely sure I'm interested in the subject matter, but then again don't really know what I'm interested in anyway.

Sidenote - just watched Butterfly Effect. Now aside from the homosexual factor of watching a movie with Ashton Kutcher (Amy Smart makes up for it...she's good), this movie is a mind fuck. Who would have thought a teen movie with the Punk'd star would be as philosophical as anything I've seen since Matrix.

Basically, revolves around the Chaos theory, where the movie gets its name - a butterfly flapping its wings here can cause an earthquake somewhere else in the world. They added a fucked up story that involved pedophilia, killing dogs and children, fraternities and prison blow jobs, but the basic idea is really interesting...every action we take can have monumental effects on the future. For example, had I been more charismatic, friendlier, and more attractive during my interview today...or with the AFT...or with CAP...I could have a job and be on my way to my first million...fine some things are impossible regardless of choices, but seriously, that kinda shit fucks with my mind...is every decision the most important of your life? If so...don't fuck it up.


Blogger Bruce Larson*Moore said...

each decision is not the most important of your life, just the most important of the moment, which is of course all you can truly know of your life.

choose well Grasshopper*

9:01 PM  
Blogger Bruce Larson*Moore said...

each decision is not the most important of your life, just the most important of the moment, which is of course all you can truly know of your life.

choose well Grasshopper*

9:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark, the only thing worse than hearing you talk in person is reading your ramblings in a blog. This song was performed by X-Factor, not by Mark "Kwazy" Kanarick, Mary Kanarick please report to the office and you're dead to us. Your Welcome.

9:03 PM  

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