15 April 2005

Shockingly, 'nuclear option' political

Frist wants to rid the Democrats of the ability to filibuster so he can get what the Senate and the country truly deserves, a straight up-and-down vote on judicial confirmations.

But what about the other side of what the Senate and the country deserves, the right to be free from a tyrannical majority? The filibuster has been in place for so many years in the Senate's rules for that express purpose - when one party or coalition of Senators is pushing hard for something, but an individual or a few individuals disagrees, they have a way to slow down, or stop the majority from doign so. You want straight power of the majority? Go to the House. The Senate is a different story Mr. Frist you tool of the right wing wackos. You insult the Senate and your own party. John McCain, a man who *used* to think on his own (before he blew that up with his own nuclear option of campaigning for the same president who had smeared his background four years ago) even says, "I will vote against the nuclear option . . . because we won't always be in the majority."

Goddamn right you won't always be in the majority. And with people like Bill Frist heading up your party in the Senate for a few more years, that end will be sooner than later. Fuck you, Bill Frist. Enjoy trying to blow up the Senate. Harold Ford here we come.


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