02 February 2005


Flowery language + simple ideas + appeals to emotion + manipulation = Bush

This equation appears to be the much repeated, often successful strategy for our current administration. Now, this has been done before, no doubt. I appreciate flowery language. I appreciate simple ideas. I even appreciate the occasional tug at the heartstrings. However, manipulation angers me. Using 9/11, coupled with the improper war, to justify the desecration of our domestic policy is immoral. This president has succeeded at starving the beast. Conservative policy welcomes war, because, with a focus and extensive funding on war, it's that much simpler to cut programs and entitlements to the people that actually need it back home. $300 million for Palestine, $80 billion for Iraq, billions for Afghanistan - all well and good, but what the fuck is going on back home? Oh yea, sorry we can't fund those programs. You have to do it on your own. So while the rich enhance their wealth and close ranks the middle and poor class continue to have their testicles cut off.

Additionally, is it me, or is Pelosi just not really the right person for our message. I understand she's been there before but tonight really seemed exceedingly mechanical, robotic...she looks like a bad mannequin. I'm willing to give Reid some time - he's off to a good start, and has certainly reined in the party.

On a sidenote- Salazar, CO's new senator, is a piece of garbage. I knew it since I saw his MTP debate with Coors. He's a moderate Republican, not a conservative Democrat. I'm happy to have his vote on organizing matters and such, but a guy that votes for Gonzales, a guy that speaks in favor of Gonzales, is not a Democrat. You just got in, Salazar. Show some balls and vote against a guy that has endangered our troops and the future of our nation by endorsing torture by the US, or admit that you're a damn Republican.

Anyway, I'm moving down in T-minus 20 some odd days, and still no good job prospects. I'm still optimistic...I am a democrat after all.


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